Arthritis and Weather: Correlation or Perception?

August 23, 2018

According to the US Centers for Disease Control, approximately 50 million Americans suffer from some form of arthritis. There are many different forms of arthritis, but in the most severe cases, joint replacement is a necessary option. If you are...

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Know When to Seek Medical Care for Lower Back Pain

August 20, 2018

Back pain doesn’t necessarily require medical attention in all cases. Mild pain that doesn’t overly impair your movement or daily activities often goes away on its own. A bit of soreness should be relatively easy to treat with over-the-counter remedies....

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Debunking the Myths about Joint Replacement Surgery

August 13, 2018

Are you thinking about undergoing joint replacement surgery? Read this article to separate fact from fiction before opting for surgery, and consult with your spine care doctor in Jacksonville, FL, if you have any questions. You Shouldn’t Visit the Dentist before Joint...

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5 Common Causes of Hand Pain

August 9, 2018

We use our hands so much every day, and when they are in pain, our life is put on hold. From typing to brushing our teeth, to driving, eating, and using our cell phones, our hands are a very important...

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Important Stretches to Avoid Sports Injuries

August 6, 2018

How you treat your body every day affects your long-term health. Eating right and exercising can prolong your lifespan and prevent health complications in the future. Nearly everyone knows this to be true. But did you know that making a...

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Learn What Causes Stress Fractures

August 1, 2018

Ouch! Lately, after finishing weeknight practices with your summer soccer league, your left shin feels very sore. You’ve tried resting it, icing it, and taking anti-inflammatories, but nothing seems to help, and it seems to be getting worse. You decide...

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St. Johns County

April 24, 2018

We have exciting news! Southeast Orthopedic Specialists is happy to announce the opening of our new 210 Satellite location! We will be located on the 2nd floor of St. Vincent’s Urgent Care in St. Johns, Florida. The address is: 2001...

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