What’s Causing the Pain in My Knee?

September 23, 2022

Knee pain shows no preference in a person’s age or who it affects. People of all age ranges can experience mild to severe discomfort in their knees and it is the most common orthopedic complaint that patients bring to their...

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5 Ways to Prevent Neck and Back Pain at Work

January 17, 2019

When you’re hard at work, it can be tough to think about your other needs. Just getting through the workday can be a struggle on its own; having to stress about your health in the meantime can just compound on...

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5 Knee Pain Remedies

January 2, 2019

People experience knee pain due to years of struggling with arthritis or from a recent injury. Regardless of what caused the knee pain, people want pain relief fast. Check out the following five  knee pain remedies to help you feel...

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Important Things You Should Know about Sciatica

December 3, 2018

Millions of people experience back pain each year. In fact, studies show that around 80% of the American population will experience back pain at some point during their life. At Southeast Orthopedic Specialists we want to help you understand and...

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What is Pain Management?

October 15, 2018

Living with chronic pain doesn’t just take a toll physically; it takes a toll mentally as well. Chronic pain can disrupt work, family life, and social engagements. Many orthopedic doctors are familiar with chronic pain symptoms, since the pain often stems from...

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5 Most Common Causes of Knee Pain

September 22, 2018

Severe knee pain is an unfortunate part of a lot of people’s lives and can hamper everyday obligations. Unfortunately, knee pain can happen to almost anyone, no matter their age, gender, or lifestyle. To protect yourself from the dangers of...

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Yoga and Mindfulness Coupled with Orthopedics for Pain

April 24, 2018

Working with the breath and meditation may be useful for a variety of patient experiencing chronic pain and more. Yoga and mindfulness are now seen as useful therapies that may enhance physical therapy sessions. Understand more about how yoga and...

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Chiropractic for Orthopedic Pain Management

April 16, 2018

Patients may find that chiropractic sessions help them experience less pain. Chiropractic may be used within a patient treatment program to address a variety of conditions. Those suffering from lower back pain, chronic headaches, difficulty sleeping and more may want...

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Warning Signs of Carpal Tunnel and Texting Thumb

March 25, 2018

Continuous typing can cause repetitive motion injuries that cause pain in and affect the function of digits. Historically, carpal tunnel syndrome has been a pervasive injury caused by repeated typing. As messaging on handheld devices becomes more common, texting thumb...

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