What Is Tennis Elbow and How Can You Prevent It?

April 26, 2016

Repetitive use injuries cause tens of thousands of people to require orthopedic care each year. One of the most common types of repetitive use injuries involves the elbow joint. So-called “tennis elbow” can be painful and often bothers people for...

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Six Tips for Beginner Runners

April 22, 2016

Running is one of the most egalitarian sports there is. Anyone with a pair of shoes can get outside and go for a run, making it a very accessible form of physical activity. Despite this, beginning runners often make mistakes...

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Can You Do Anything to Help Prevent ACL Tears?

April 13, 2016

More than 200,000 people experience a torn ACL each year, according to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Not only are ACL tears painful, but they also must be repaired properly to prevent future...

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Orthotics: Helpful or Useless?

April 8, 2016

Orthotic inserts represented a $400 million industry in the United States in 2014. Some athletes purchase specialized orthotics for specific sports activities while other people wear orthotics in their shoes on a daily basis. The purpose of orthotics is to...

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Treatments for Hip Arthritis

April 2, 2016

Millions of Americans, many of whom are older adults, develop arthritis at some point in their life. In fact, hip arthritis affects 1 in 4 people over age 85, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Not only...

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5 Ways Fitness Trackers Can Help You Reach Your Goals

April 1, 2016

The tech wearables industry is booming, with the global market expected to exceed $19 billion by 2018. Fitness trackers have gained enormous popularity among large swathes of the population for their ease of use and ability to track numerous activities....

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5 Common Reasons Why Your Shoulder Is in Pain

March 29, 2016

The shoulder has a very versatile range of motion. Although this makes it an effective and well-used joint, it also means that many things can go wrong within the shoulder joint. If you are experiencing shoulder pain for more than...

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Why Physical Therapy Is so Important After Surgery

March 23, 2016

Millions of people are referred to physical therapy each year for the treatment of a range of orthopedic issues. Physical therapists are experts in improving range of motion, everyday functioning and overall quality of life. However, many patients are unsure...

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How Beneficial Are Fitness Trackers?

March 20, 2016

Exercise technology is a booming business, with wearable fitness technology estimated to grow to a $19 billion industry by 2018. Many exercise enthusiasts swear by their fitness trackers while others are simply overwhelmed by the dozens of options. Using a...

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Best Type of Running Shoe for Your Feet

March 14, 2016

Running leads to significant cardiovascular benefits, reducing your risk of chronic disease and even increasing your overall lifespan. One of the best aspects of running is that nearly anyone can do it. All that is needed is a good pair...

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