How to Exercise Smart This Summer

June 15, 2016

Summer is a great time to get exercise. The sun is shining, the pool is sparkling and summertime classics like baseball and beach volleyball await. However, summer is also prime time for exercise-related injuries. Making an exercise mistake can derail...

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Common Causes of Knee Pain in Women

June 8, 2016

Women are more likely than men to suffer knee injuries. Even for women who do not experience an acute injury, complaints about knee pain are common. This is not simply a difference in who tends to report injuries more often....

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How Yoga Helps the Back and Spine

May 25, 2016

Yoga has dramatically gained popularity in the United States over the past few decades. Originally a spiritual practice that was employed by Hindus, yoga now is recognized for its myriad health benefits. There are many types of yoga, from gentle...

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How Strength Training Can Help Reduce Sports Injuries

May 17, 2016

Most athletes focus on aerobic exercise to build their endurance, but some athletes neglect an equally important area of exercise: strength training. Even for sports such as swimming or running in which packing on muscle mass is undesirable, strength training...

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Exercises to Relieve Arthritis Pain

May 11, 2016

Approximately 52.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with arthritis, representing nearly 1 in 4 people, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This figure jumps to about 50 percent among adults older than 65 years of...

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What Is Carpal Tunnel?

May 5, 2016

Aching wrists or tingling palms could be more than simple fatigue after a long day of typing on a computer — they may be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. Understanding the causes and effects of carpal tunnel may help...

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