In general, the joints of the hands are most frequently affected by arthritis. From writing a grocery list to opening the pantry door, the pain and limited mobility caused by arthritis in the hands can prevent us from accomplishing even the simplest of daily tasks. However, we offer a variety of innovative treatments to residents in and around Jacksonville, Florida. For example, a platelet-rich Plasma injection (PRP)can be used to relieve osteoarthritis symptoms. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be relieved with physical therapy.
If you have arthritis, use the exercises below to ease your pain now and then contact Southeast Orthopedic Specialists at (904) 634-0640 or via our online form to make an appointment with an experienced orthopedic doctor.
7 Hand Exercises for Individuals with Arthritis
1. Finger Lift
- With your palm facing down, put your hand on a table.
- Slowly lift one of your fingers as high above the table as you can (keeping your palm flat).
- Gently lower your finger.
- Perform this exercise for each finger on each hand.
Repeat at least 8 times per hand.
2. Make a Fist
- Slowly close your fingers into a fist.
- Wrap your thumb around your fingers.
- Hold this for at least 30 seconds.
- Open your hand.
- Stretch your fingers out.
Perform this exercise 4 times for each hand.
3. Thumb Bend
- Bend your thumb toward your palm.
- Try and touch your pinky with your thumb.
- Hold this position for a few seconds.
Perform this exercise 10 times for each hand.
4. Pinch Strengthener
This exercise helps develop your thumb and finger muscles, making it easier for you to tear packages open, turn keys and pull on a car-door handle. Keep in mind that you should only perform this particular exercise a few times a week (with 48 hours between your sessions). Furthermore, individuals who have damage to their thumb joint, need to skip this exercise altogether.
- Pinch a soft, foam ball between your fingertips and your thumb.
- Hold this for at least 30 seconds and then release.
Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times for each hand.
5. Finger Stretch
- Place your hand with your palm facing down on a flat surface. Your hand should be relaxed, but not completely flat.
- Gently stretch your fingers until your hand is flat (without forcing your joints). If you are unable to make your hand completely flat, just do the best you can.
- Hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
Perform this exercise 4 times with each hand.
6. Squeeze a Stress Ball
Stress balls make great grip strengtheners. As you strengthen your grip, you will find that it is easier for you to turn door knobs and hold things. Keep in mind that you should only perform this particular exercise a few times a week (with 48 hours between your sessions). Also, if you have damage to your thumb joint, you need to skip this exercise altogether.
- Squeeze your stress ball as hard as you can (without causing pain).
- Hold the squeeze for a few seconds.
- Release the ball.
Perform this exercise 15 times for each hand.
7. Claw Stretch
- Holding your hand in front of you with your palm facing you, slowly bend all of your fingertips (at the same time) toward the base of their own finger. Your hand should look like a claw as you are performing this exercise.
- Hold this for at least 30 seconds.
Repeat this exercise 4 times for each hand.
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